Rapid City Area MPO Major Street Plan Update & Analysis

As Rapid City and the surrounding communities continue to grow, the need for analyzing and reviewing the current major street plan has become clear.

Our Changing Communities

Rapid City adopted a Major Street Plan in 1990 and has performed numerous revisions; however, many of the proposed future road alignments have not been analyzed since the initial creation of the plan. Many of the proposed improvements have become dated due to changes in land use, development, and construction projects through the years.

See the changes from then to now!

Additionally, most of the other RCAMPO member agencies have adopted Major Street Plans or Transportation Plans, leading to inconsistencies among road alignments and classifications.

Map 2
Map 1

Goals of the Major Street Plan Update

Issues with slope, constructability, and alignment have surfaced on numerous proposed roadway segments. A preliminary look at identifying alignment and constructability issues was completed in the RapidTRIP 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan.

This study is intended to expand on that process and update the Major Street Plan and develop conceptual alignments for selected corridors.

  • Review current Major Street Plan for inconsistencies between RCAMPO jurisdictions
  • Review topographical and alignment constraints
  • Review growth areas and prioritize corridors for conceptual alignment development
  • Develop conceptual alignments for priority corridors
  • Engage the public

Draft Report

Draft Report Appendix A: Prioritized Segment Conceptual Plan and Profiles Appendix B: Prioritization Memorandum Appendix C: Public Involvement Summary Appendix D: Methods and Assumptions Document

Study Area

The Rapid City Area MPO is located in western South Dakota and area of study includes the City of Rapid City, the City of Summerset, the City of Box Elder, the City of Piedmont, unincorporated areas of Black Hawk and Rapid Valley, and the developing portions of Pennington and Meade Counties.

MPO Boundary Map

Click to enlarge


We anticipate completing the draft Major Street Plan in March 2024 and the final plan in April 2024. Public comments are welcome throughout the development of the updated plan. Public meetings will be held in June 2023 and March 2024.

Study Schedule

Click to enlarge

Get Involved

Throughout the study information about events and public involvement will be posted here.

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Past Events

Public Meeting #2 | May 28, 2024 | 4-6 p.m.

Public Meeting #1 | July 13, 2023 | 4-6 p.m.

presenter for meeting

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Not finding what you’re looking for? Reach out to our Project Team.

Kelly Brennan

RCAMPO Project Manager


Dustin Hamilton, PE

Project Manager, HDR
